ShipOS Foundation

Develop, deploy and manage maritime software with ease

About ShipOS and the Foundation

ShipOS is an edge computing platform for ships. The operating system enables a simple global development and deployment infrastructure. Get technical information, architecture drawings and code for the ShipOS over at

The ShipOS Foundation is the membership organization that develops the Open Source ShipOS.

The Foundation is in its infancy and seeks both members and developers for greater traction.

ShipOS is already a functional, feature-rich solution. It empowers anyone to develop and deploy apps for ships.

The vision is a democratic, crowd-sourced continuous improvement and innovation for the shipping industry.

Read more: The concept and the Foundation’s charter.

Ship owners

As a ship owner, why is ShipOS important?

ShipOS gives you a better way to secure your applications. As a Ship owner, you can deploy applications fleet-wide to monitor every aspect of your ship. Get IoT data processed and transferred to shore for better business decisions. Become a member to ensure ShipOS caters for your specific needs.

Ship management

Why is ShipOS relevant for a Ship manager?

ShipOS makes deployment and management of onboard software easy. Unify software deployment and management on one hardware rig and with one common interface. Become a member to ensure ShipOS caters for your specific needs.

Maritime vendors

How can ShipOS help an Independent Software vendor?

Getting your software deployed to whole fleets has never been this easy. Join the new open market space for maritime software. Offer your applications to new customers like you would with apps on Google Play. Become a member to ensure your software run as efficient as possible on the ShipOS platform.

Class societies

How can ShipOS help a Class society?

ShipOS is an open collaboration for a standard OS onboard ships. The platform offers a standard IT environment for software deployment.

A Class society’s needs for standardization and for relevant data can be efficiently realized.

Software developers

Why contribute with code to ShipOS?

Work with top Open Source developers with maritime expertise. Commit code that will push the maritime industry into the future. ShipOS has three main components - the Open Source Dolittle application management, Kubernetes and Clear Linux. The platform caters enables both microservices and larger applications running in containers. ShipOS enables marketplaces for deploying onboard applications - similar to Google Play on Android. ShipOS Foundation accepts code contributions that help ShipOS become an even more complete maritime platform.